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Your Mum and I as sisters, were brought up together in Liverpool by your Gogga and Gran - until your Mum left home for Cambridge and I to Glasgow three years later. We'd both grown up in the same environment and also had I think, a few similarities - sense of humour, creativity and appreciation of good friendships in our lives. We used to visit each other in Cambridge and Glasgow, mix with our friends and also our respective boyfriends...

We used to have fun together. We were daft, we were silly and there were times when your Uncle Paul would leave us to it as he didn't understand what was so funny. But we did!

I also think from my side that we were at times, good friends. There were times in my life where your Mum understood my problems, listened and gave advice. I hope that I returned that, but obviously I don't know that. We used to spend a lot of time talking about life and what we were both up to.

There were times when none of my friends held this interest, so it was brilliant to be able to talk to my sister about it.

I was impressed and had huge respect for your Mum making a business and career out of her passion, which is something I was unable to do at the time!

It was wonderful to watch your Mum and Dad get married to each other in 2001 - I was the only bridesmaid - a truly compatable couple.

It's made me heartbroken that our relationship has now broken down. I miss her as a sister and as a friend. I also sorely miss not being able to see both of you, my nieces - I'd love to be part of your lives so much.

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