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How to cook - pavlova bites

Do you girls like pavlova? I love it with the crunchy meringue, cream and fresh fruit! Well I've got a recipe for you that's like pavlova but in chocolatey chunks that you can pop into your mouth.

Here's what you'd need...


  • A big pan

  • A Pyrex or heatproof dish for melting chocolate over boiling water

  • A large baking tray lined with greaseproof paper (or cling film)


  • 800g white cooking chocolate broken into pieces

  • 200g dried berries - pick ones you like

  • 100g meringue nests


  1. Make sure your Mum watches you guys for this step - we don't want you burning your fingers! Boil a kettle and pour water into a pan on the hob. Put the bowl containing chocolate on top of it, making sure the water doesn't touch the bowl. Gently heat the water so the chocolate will melt into a delicious liquidy thing! Then take the bowl off the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes.

  2. While waiting, crumble the meringue nests into little pieces. Then take a couple of handfuls of it out and put to the side for decoration at the end.

  3. Mix your berries into the melted chocolate and then stir in the broken meringue too, to make a nice tasty looking mixture!

  4. Put this mixture into your lined baking tray and push in into the corners. Then put the rest of the meringue pieces on top and press lightly down on them so that they stick to the top.

  5. Leave the baking tray until the chocolate has set. This can take a few hours but it's best to leave it overnight to get the best result.

So here's a film of me making these chunks of delicious tasty sweets so take a look:

OK girls I've made a parcel of them and it's winging its way to you right now. It should arrive with you very soon - yipee! Make sure you get to the door quickly as soon as postman knocks, so your Mum and Dad don't grab them all for themselves!

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